PEAK Sourcing - Solutions

Case studies & successfull stories.

We are working with clients from various industries to deliver smart solutions and state of the art applications.

In this section you can find stories from differrent stakeholders and solutions implemented to solve different types of challenges as well as methodologies, systems, platforms and computing systems applied. You will get brief outlook on the processes we are using - from idea to implemetation and launch.

Discover how we shortened project delivery time while keeping cost optimal and complete process transparent to all relevant parties.


Web and mobile development

Our application development is based on JAVA, Python, PHP, C/C++ and .NET technologies using various commercial or open-source frameworks and Content Management Systems.


Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Implementation and research in the field of computer vision, autonomous technologies and real time simulations. Partnering with you to create AI solutions that transform your business.


Data Science

We are delivering data science solutions and support you at any stage of projects. From data preparation and modeling, over optimization and tuning.


Management systems

Growing needs for process optimization, time utilization and keeping costs low, demands smart solutions. We have expertise in different CMS, WMS, CRM and DMS systems integration, maintenance and development.